Bolt Jeweling - Part 5

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Now lets do a rifle bolt.

Note that the index bolt has a red "point" lined up with the vertical line on the end of the jig, and that the edge of the jig is lined up with a red line on the spacer gauge.


Put your polished bolt into the jig, line up a red or black mark on the index bolt and tighten the index bolt nut. If you used 1/2-inch bolts the nut will require a 3/4-inch wrench. While holding the nut next to the firing pin hole, run in the bolt with the wire brad until the rifle bolt is held firmly, then tighten the outside nut on that end. Place a wire brush in the drill chuck and move the jig on the drill table until the brush is centered over the bolt.

Place the spacing gauge next to the jig and clamp in place with two C-clamps

The jig should slide against the guide so that the brush can be positioned anywhere along the length of the bolt.

The extractor should be held in the closed position with tape and the rifle bolt should be "buttered" with abrasive compound. The rotating brush is lowered against the rifle bold for about 15 seconds, then raised. THEN THE JIG IS SLID ALONG THE SPACER GAUGE TO THE NEXT SAME COLOR LINE. IF THE INDEX BOLT HEAD IS AT A RED MARK, USE THE RED LINES, IF BLACK, USE BLACK. Go from one end to the other, stopping at each SAME COLOR line and lower the brush for 15 seconds and move again. When you get to the end, rotate the index bolt (and the rifle bolt) from one color to the next. That is move from a point (red) to a flat (black), or from a flat to a point. Then move to the jig to the new color lower the brush and go ahead. You can jewel the extractor, but stay away from the other lugs and ridges, and keep away from the locking lugs, You don't need to jewel the swell at the cocking cam end as this is hidden by the shroud.

Now clean the bolt VERY WELL, removing the extractor collar and cleaning under it as well.

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Steve Wagner

Bellwood PA